Dark Asylum: Mystery Adventure

Strange things are happening at the local asylum and you've been tasked with the investigation. You must perform tasks for the inmates to gain their trust, and then find out what they know. Just don't be distracted by the screams that echo down the unlit corridors, or the voices that whisper in your ear when no one is standing there... Featuring a captivating combination of adventure and hidden object gameplay, Dark Asylum contains dozens of unnerving rooms to explore and each one is packed with secrets and pulsating with an undercurrent of dread. To solve the mystery of the asylum, you'll need to search for hundreds of items buried within the decaying rooms and hallways, and use special skills that allow you to locate objects quickly. Discover and use powerful artifacts, track your achievements, and experience multiple game modes, including the appropriately named "Scary nightmare mode." (You won't want to play this mode alone at night!) Do you have a rational mind and a strong heart? If so, you just might survive to the end. If not, don't say we didn't warn you. Begin the descent into darkness today – if you dare!

  • Solve a thrilling mystery in a scary asylum
  • Enjoy adventure and hidden object gameplay
  • Use your eagle eyes in dozens of HOG scenes

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Strange things are happening at the local asylum and you've been tasked with the investigation. Do you have a rational mind and a strong heart? If so, you just might survive to the end...

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